Our next evening event will be on Tuesday 19th March at BRLSI: Dr. Bruno Bubna-Kasteliz, who is a Stammtisch regular, will hold a talk on this important figure of the 19th century.
Booking through the BRLSI website:
Aus einer bescheidene Familie in Böhmen, hat Carl, Freiherr von Rokitansky in Wien eine hervorragende Karriere als Begründer der 2. Wiener Medizinschule und der Pathologie für ganz Europa errichtet. Als k. u. k. Minister hat er die wissenschaftliche Ausbildung im ganzen Reich befördert. Seine philosophische Schrifte haben den Verstand des Publikums für die Ursache von Erkrankung erleuchtet.
Carl, Baron von Rokitansky in Vienna built an outstanding career as the founder of the 2nd Vienna School of Medicine and pathology for all of Europe. As a minister he promoted scientific education throughout the empire and his philosophical writings have enlightened the minds of the public about the cause of illness.
This talk will be in German.
Dr. Bruno Bubna-Kasteliz was an NHS Consultant in Bath. He is a member of the German Culture & Language Group at BRLSI.