Our next evening event is on Thursday 22nd February at BRLSI
The displaced – German refugees in 1945
The story of refugees in post-war Germany in 1945. A brief, introductory presentation in German will be followed by a discussion based on the diary entries and letters of a family fleeing the occupation of Silesia by the Soviet Army in early 1945. Learn more about a little-known aspect of Germany’s post-war experience.
The aim is to provide first-hand experience of this escape route by translation of extracts into English. By sharing these translations, we hope to empathise with the physical and emotional journey undertaken by the members of one refugee family. Please be prepared to participate actively. The extracts used will be short and accessible to anyone with a reasonable knowledge of German.
The introductory talk in German will provide useful contextual information. The follow-on discussion will be in English.
Please book here: